About us

Responsible business

We put people and the planet at the heart of everything we do

We understand the role that our buildings and parks play in strengthening local economies, creating jobs and driving economic growth. We also want our spaces to be places that both employees and the local community can enjoy, and places where our customers’ businesses can flourish.

Every new building we develop meets leading sustainable and energy efficiency standards, built to our ‘Swan Standard’. In the last 12 months, we have also tripled our solar generation capacity, which is good news for both our customers and the environment.


We want to boost biodiversity at our developments and deliver new schemes in an environmentally responsible way.

We will continue to achieve at least 10% biodiversity net gain for our new developments, and explore opportunities to increase the nature resilience of our operations.

Population growth and social trends are impacting the natural environment around us in unprecedented ways. It is more important than ever that we take responsibility for our actions and make conscious efforts to minimise our impact on the environment.

We want to embrace a new, progressive way of approaching our interface with the natural environment, lessening any negative impacts and maximising any meaningful gains and opportunities through informed, considerate design that also generates additional value for our customers and communities.

Reducing our energy footprint

We develop all our buildings with sustainability in mind, aiming to achieve carbon neutral operations by 2025 for our own energy consumption, and support our customers toward the same goal. We can collectively reduce a park’s carbon footprint in three ways:

1. Reduce operational energy use

Our first priority is to reduce energy demand and consumption, controlled through energy efficient equipment and insulation and monitored through smart metering to identify opportunities to reduce consumption. The most sustainable energy is the energy we don’t use.

2. Generate renewable energy

Generation of renewable energy on-site is the next focus. We install photovoltaics (PV) on all new developments, and are exploring opportunities to retrofit installations to our wider portfolio.

3. Purchase renewable energy off-site

Purchasing remaining electricity demand with Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGOs) will support investments into renewable energy technologies.

Strengthening local communities

Strengthening local communities through environmental sustainability is a key priority at Indurent. We know that strong, local economies bring benefits for everyone. That’s why we’re committed to building long-term relationships with our customers and the local communities in which our parks and buildings are located. Many of our buildings are used as company headquarters and provide a diverse range of jobs for local people. Our buildings and logistics parks also enable companies to stay and grow in their local area, which is critical to the local economy.